Besides kratom and the alternatives kra thum khok and kra thum na we also export other interesting botanicals from Thailand. Feel free to contact us for your inquiry.
Available items but not limited to these and for more info click on the link:
Carthamus tinctorius - safflower
Clitoria ternatea - butterfly pea flower
Curcuma xanthorhiza - Javanese turmeric
Entada rheedii - African dream herb
Eurycoma longifolia -tongkat ali
Ganoderma lucidum -
Garcinia mangostana
Kaempferia parviflora
Lactuca virosa
Leonotis leonurus
Leonurus sibiricus
Mucuna pruriens
Nelumbo nucifera
Nymphaea ampla
Nymphaea rubra
Sceletium tortuosum
Turnera diffusa
Zornia latifolia